Short-A Word Chain
NWF - Alphabetic Principle
Decode CVC Words
The purpose of this activity is to give the student an opportunity to practice decoding words with the consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) word pattern and short-A vowels. The student reads three words, one at a time. Each of the words has only the initial consonant changed from the previous word, and all words contain short-A vowels. Make sure the student can read the first word before trying the second and third words.

Materials: Word chain pages (See Downloads area.) and blank sheet of heavy paper to cover words on the page.

We are going to practice reading words in a word chain. I'll show you a word and ask you to read it. Then I'll show you another word to read. The second word is almost the same as the first, except for one letter. After you read the second word, I'll show you a third word. The third word will have one letter that's different from the second word.

Only the first letter changes from one word to the next.

Watch me. On the page, I see the first word and I read it...

The word on the second line has only one letter changed from the first word. In this activity it is always the first letter that is different. I read the new

In the third word the first letter is changed again. I read the new word...

bad -> lad -> fad
While you give the instructions, keep the word chain page covered up.
Show only the first word on the word chain page.
Uncover and read "lad" from the page.
Uncover and read "fad" from the page.

Let's try one together. The word is...

Now look at the word on the second line. Which letter changes? Read the new word.

Now read the third word.

cab -> lab -> tab
Uncover and read "cab" together.
Uncover and read "lab" together.
Uncover and read "tab" together.

Now it's your turn. Read the first word. In the second word, which letter is different? What's the second word? The third word?
If Correct: Good. The words are cat, sat, mat.

If Incorrect: Let's look at it again. Try reading the first word. Look at the second line. Which letter is different? Read s-a-t. What's the third word?

cat -> sat -> mat
Uncover each word, one at a time.
Read with the student if needed.

Let's try another one. Read the word on the first line. What's the second word? What's the third word?
If Correct: Good. The words are ban, pan, and man.

If Incorrect: Let's look at it again. Try reading the first word. Look at the second line. Which letter is different? What's the second word? Read
p-a-n. What's the third word?

ban -> pan -> man
Discontinue if student got both warm-ups incorrect.


Read the first word...
Second word...
Third word...